Monday, May 9, 2011

Local Learning Network

Wow. What a great resource this is! Local Learning Network is a network of teachers, artists and other individuals who are "interested in engaging young people with their own traditional culture and with the local culture and folklore of their families, regions, and the larger world." It is so important for youth to stay connected with their culture.  We live in a world where it seems everyone tries to assimilate into the dominate culture.  This should concern many of us.  Without different cultures life would be pretty boring.  One of my favorite things when traveling and meeting new people is learning about their culture.  When I was in India in December 2009 the village children showed us a bunch of different dances and songs that they grew up learning. When we tried to teach them similar songs we had a pretty hard time coming up with what was "our culture." We jokingly said, "what is US culture? TV?" Jokes aside, Americans come in all shapes, colors, sizes and backgrounds.  We should celebrate that.  I think it is more a matter of acceptance that others do things differently and understanding that we can all work together toward common goals despite our differences instead of trying to melt into a congealed mess of sameness. 

Anyways, Local Learning Network has a bunch of great summer training opportunities all over the US.  Check to see what's going on in your state!  I hope to see some in Michigan or Illinois soon!

* Image courtesy of Local Learning Network